Jesus the Wayist :

The Teaching of Lord Jesus Before Christians made it a Jewish Religion 

Think you know Jesus? Think again.  

Before Christianity transformed his message into religious doctrine, Jesus taught something far more revolutionary – a practical path of spiritual evolution available to every human soul. He wasn’t starting a religion; he was showing humanity the profound purpose of human existence and how to develop our divine nature through direct spiritual experience.  


– The real purpose of human life – why we’re here and where we’re going 
– Why Jesus spent decades teaching in Egypt, Parthia, and India  
– How his message of spiritual evolution became a Jewish religion  
– What he actually taught about divine nature and human development  
– Why energy healing was central to his teaching  
– How his original message remains profoundly relevant today  

This isn’t another religious interpretation. It’s an exploration of Jesus’s actual teaching of the ancient WAY, before it was turned into a system of belief and salvation with an Abrahamic version of god. He taught that Earth isn’t a testing ground for heaven – it’s a school for becoming divine. God our Father and God our Mother in heaven are benign spirit beings, not the Creator, the Absolute, not a tribalistic soul-type deity with wrath and torture in his heart. Whether you’ve left Christianity and miss deeper wisdom and divinity or simply sense there’s more to life than consumer culture suggests, this book reveals a path of authentic spiritual development and self-empowerment that explains why you’re here, and what you’re evolving toward.  

Jesus taught that divine connection doesn’t require religious permission – it’s everyone’s natural birthright and that has been so since humanity started. His original message wasn’t about believing the right things to earn divine favor. It was about understanding your true purpose and developing the consciousness and capabilities that are your natural inheritance — without religion.  

Ready to discover what Jesus really taught about life’s deepest meaning? Your journey to authentic spiritual understanding begins here.   

Jesus the Wayist :
The Teaching of Lord Jesus Before Christians made it a Jewish Religion 

460 pages

paperback book ISBN: 978-1-998478-56-9     
hardcover ISBN: 978-1-998478-57-6     
ebook ISBN: 978-1-998478-58-3 

See also:
Mystic Mother of theWAY : Curated collection of the poems of Mari of Magadha who walked with Jesus.
Jesus the Wayist : The Teaching of Lord Jesus Before Christians made it a Jewish Religion
From Indian Brothels to Divine Guide : The true story of Mari who worked with Jesus from India to Jerusalem and became the foremost Wayist teacher 

Beyond Religion: Rediscovering Jesus’s Revolutionary Teaching 

Have you ever felt that something was missing in traditional religious teachings about Jesus? That beneath the layers of doctrine and ritual lies a deeper truth about human purpose and spiritual development? You’re not alone. 

For two thousand years, the full scope of Jesus’s teaching has remained largely hidden behind the religious structure that became Christianity. This wasn’t an accident—it was the deliberate result of turning a universal teaching about spiritual evolution into a religion of belief and salvation. How did a profound message about human transformation become a system of appeasing an angry god? How did a teaching about spiritual awakening become a doctrine about original sin? 

In “Jesus the Wayist,” author Jean Prieur du Plessis reveals something remarkable: While Christianity spread west, creating an empire-friendly religion of obedience and belief, Jesus’s actual teaching flourished eastward. From Kashmir to China, his practical wisdom about spiritual evolution merged naturally with existing traditions, enriching both. This is why you’ll find echoes of his teaching in Buddhism, traces in Taoism, and clear footprints across Asia. 

The Jesus You Never Knew 

Think about the Christianity you know—the focus on sin and salvation, the emphasis on correct belief, the rules about who’s in and who’s out. Now picture something completely different: A tough, sun-weathered man walking the ancient trade routes from Egypt to India, sleeping under stars, teaching people to heal with energy, showing them how to connect directly with divine wisdom. 

This isn’t the pale, ethereal figure from stained glass windows—this is the real Jesus, and what he actually taught might surprise you: 

– He trained hundreds of energy healers across Asia 
– He taught practical spiritual evolution rather than religious doctrine 
– He demonstrated what humans can become, not what we should believe 
– He showed a universal path open to all souls, regardless of their background 

Why This Matters Now 

Look around. Traditional religious frameworks are crumbling, for good reason. People are walking away from churches in unprecedented numbers—not because they reject spirituality, but because they seek something more authentic. They’re looking for teachings that align with their inner sense of truth and their experience of divine reality. 

The Jesus revealed in this book speaks directly to modern spiritual seekers who: 

– Have left organized religion but sense there’s deeper spiritual truth 
– Seek authentic meaning beyond consumer culture 
– Want to understand life’s real purpose 
– Are ready for direct spiritual experience without religious intermediaries 

A Revolutionary Understanding 

Here’s what makes this teaching revolutionary: Every human soul is evolving into a divine being. Not through religious belief or moral perfection, but through practical spiritual development and direct divine connection. Earth isn’t a testing ground for heaven—it’s a school for becoming divine. 

This isn’t metaphor or poetic language—it’s a practical reality that transforms everything about how we understand human purpose. When you grasp this, daily life becomes your spiritual practice ground: 

– That difficult colleague? They’re helping you develop divine patience 
– That challenging situation? It’s perfectly designed for your growth 
– That moment of unexpected joy? It’s a glimpse of your natural divine state 

Beyond Religious Boundaries 

Unlike religious teachings that require you to accept specific beliefs or follow particular rules, Jesus’s original message was universal. He showed that: 

– Divine connection is your natural birthright 
– Spiritual growth happens through experience, not belief 
– Every soul can develop divine consciousness 
– Your life has profound purpose and meaning 

This isn’t about starting another religion or creating new doctrine. It’s about understanding why you’re here, where you’re going, and how to engage consciously with your own spiritual evolution. 

An Invitation to Authentic Spirituality 

“Jesus the Wayist” isn’t just another book about religion or spirituality. It’s an invitation to discover what Jesus actually taught about: 

– The nature of divine reality 
– The purpose of human existence 
– The practice of spiritual evolution 
– The development of divine abilities 

Whether you’ve left Christianity but miss its deeper wisdom, or simply sense there’s more to life than consumer culture suggests, this book offers a path of authentic spiritual development that explains both why you’re here and what you’re evolving toward. 

Ready to discover what Jesus really taught? Your journey to understanding life’s true purpose and your own divine potential begins here. 


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