Episode 11: The ongoing journey of spiritual evolution and the role of the Wayist community
Welcome to the final episode of our series, Overview of Wayism. Today, we’ll reflect on the ongoing nature of the spiritual journey, and the important role that community plays in supporting our growth and evolution.
One of the central insights of Wayist teachings is that the path of spiritual awakening is not a destination which can be reached sitting in a monastery, we need community. Also, it cannot be done in a single lifetime, but rather an ongoing journey of discovery, transformation, and realization.
Even as we experience profound moments of insight. Unity. And communion with the divine. We understand that these are not the end of the journey, but rather glimpses of the vast potential that lies within us.
The Butterfly Path, the central metaphor of Wayist spirituality, beautifully illustrates this understanding. Just as the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis as a transformed being, we too are in a constant process of becoming, shedding the limitations of our conditioned nature and awakening to the radiant truth of our spiritual essence.
This process of evolution spans countless lifetimes and experiences, each one offering unique opportunities for learning, growth, and the cultivation of compassion, wisdom, and chrestotes.
Spiritual evolution starts with reprogramming the soul-minds to become more spiritual. Human souls have three soul-minds: the Muladhara soul-mind is the lowest, then follows Svadhisthana soul-mind, and above that sits Manipura soul-mind. The minds of the higher-self, the spirit-minds help the soul to evolve but only when they are awakened, and all Wayists are spiritually awakened.
Spiritual evolution starts with self-knowledge, which in turn starts with self-reflection. Junior students on the Path learn to free themselves from the egocentric soul-mind known as Svadhisthana, to then look inside themselves and observe themselves objectively.
Soul-people reach a stage in their self-awareness to become objective about the fundamentalist ideas they hold in their Muladhara soul-mind. Because of this soul growth, they get spiritual insight and power to free themselves from those mental states, and reprogram their lowest soul-mind.
With introspection, the advanced soul-person begins to understand the limitations of culture and circular reasoning that sit in their Manipura soul-mind, which has a major hold on the brain-mind and its ways of thinking. But, with help from their loving-kindness and beauty in Anahata, the so-called heart-mind, our first spirit-mind, the soul-person succeeds in reprogramming their Manipura soul-mind.
All of what we had just mentioned is part of the normal process of spiritual evolution, and it all comes from self-reflection which leads to self-knowledge, which leads to doing self-craft. And that is how we evolve. There is no other way. We do it all by ourselves, with the help of the spirit-minds and our Divine Guide.
This process of spiritual evolution is what Lord Jesus referred to as metanoia, a Greek word, which translates to, “to reprogram your minds”. It is through metanoia that we advance in the purpose of life, and become the best person possible.
And while the journey is ultimately an individual one, unique to each soul, we also recognize the profound importance of spiritual community in supporting and nurturing our growth.
In Wayism, community is not just a social network or a group of like-minded individuals, but rather a sacred container for the sharing of wisdom, the offering of support, and the collective exploration of the mysteries of existence.
When we come together in the spirit of authentic connection and shared aspiration, we create a field of resonance that amplifies our individual practices and insights. We learn from each other’s experiences, we offer comfort in times of difficulty, and we celebrate the joys and breakthroughs of the path.
The Wayist community is a diverse and inclusive one, welcoming seekers from all backgrounds and traditions who resonate with the essential teachings of The Way. It is a community that values open-mindedness, respect, and the recognition of the many paths that people walk to end up here, in higher-awareness of the purpose of life.
By participating in this community, whether through local gatherings, online forums, or the sharing of teachings and practices, we gain access to a wealth of wisdom and support that can greatly enrich our own journey.
We also have the opportunity to offer our own unique gifts and insights, to become a source of inspiration and guidance for others who are walking the path. In this way, we become an integral part of the larger tapestry of spiritual evolution, contributing to the awakening and healing of all human beings.
As we come to the end of this series, it is important to remember that the true essence of Wayism cannot be fully captured in words or concepts. It is a living, experiential path that unfolds in the depths of our own being, in the silent spaces of the heart.
The teachings and practices that we have explored are not meant to be taken as dogma or fixed instructions, but rather as invitations to your own direct discovery of the truth and wisdom you are now ready for. We evolve step by step, level by level, through the grades. There is no other way. Our ancient wisdom is simple and succinct, and one day every person ends up here, but all take their own path to get to it. Our guidelines are signposts and guideposts, pointing us ever inward to the source of wisdom and love that dwells within.
As the Zen teacher said of encountering the Buddha on the path, the same message holds true for Wayism. If you encounter an enlightened Wayist teacher who says, “follow me, I will show you the way,” kill that idea immediately. A true Wayist teacher knows that you must walk your path, to find the jewel of truth on your own.
A true Wayist teacher knows that the ancient books are of other people telling us about how they walked the Path. And while we value that information and use their map as a guide, we do appreciate that the Path they tread is now overgrown and eroded, so we will have to clear hurdles and make our own way.
A true Wayist teacher also knows that the holy scriptures of the religions are mostly manifests of one or another ruling tribe with agendas, and they can be used, but we must transcend them when we awaken. And that is exactly how almost every Wayist came to their spiritual awakening of this simple and humble Path we now walk so freely.
Many of the most advanced spirit-people in the world live in rural communities where they spread their healing presence and guidance through example, and few had enough schooling to understand the English of this podcast, nor read one of our books. This is why Wayism cannot be an organization and can never be sold to you as a religion.
We have a council of elders whose only task is to make sure that anything we publish under our name has passed through their hands first to check for authenticity. But what you do with the material, is up to you. And that is how you own the wisdom and truth of Wayism — you own it because you earned it in your own right. Nothing is believed that does not jump out at you, your ancient soul grabbing and holding on like it is a long-lost solution to everything that is wrong in life. Your spirit moves inside and grabs a hold of your brain and says, that is my truth, I have known that from before!” When you meet the wisdom, you make it your own and then you own it.
It’s like most of the material in this podcast. You listen and go: “Yes, I knew that–how else–there is no other way but this.” Then you read something again that you have read several times before, and all of a sudden a new wisdom develops and you get it, at a deeper level than before. And that is how we earn our wisdom. Layer over layer it forms. And that is why Wayism is so personal and so deep, it sits deep inside us, it becomes us, it forms us.
As you continue on your own unique journey, trust in the unfolding of your path and in the guidance of your Divine Tara. Embrace the challenges and the opportunities that arise, knowing that each one is a sacred invitation to grow, to heal, to awaken.
And remember, you are not alone on this path. You are part of a vast, interconnected web of spiritual evolution, supported by the love and wisdom of countless beings, seen and unseen.
May the insights and practices of Wayism continue to illumine your way, and may your journey be filled with ever-deepening experiences of peace, purpose, and the radiant joy of your true, divine nature.
Thank you for being a part of this series. Visit us at Wayist.Life. Blessings on your path.
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