Overview of Wayism. Episode 9: Cultivating compassion, wisdom, and krestotes (which is helpful loving-kindness)

Episode 9: Cultivating compassion, wisdom, and chrestotes (which is helpful loving-kindness).

Welcome to Episode 9 of 11 in our podcast series, Overview of Wayism. In today’s episode, we’ll explore the cultivation of compassion, wisdom, and chrestotes – the essential qualities that lie at the heart of the Wayist path.

In Wayist teachings, these three qualities are seen as the natural expressions of our true, spiritual nature. They are not simply virtues to be acquired, but rather the inherent qualities of the spirit, waiting to be uncovered and embodied, and used to reprogram the three soul-minds in order to sanctify them.

Spiritual beings are immortal deities, and we are evolving into that state of being. Spiritual beings, unlike the gods of soul-people, are by nature benign, humble, simple, helpful and kind. They are by nature magnificently powerful energy workers with skills to manipulate the energies of any of the three energy domains. However, they trust in the mechanisms of the metaphysical laws of The Way which govern creation. The Laws of Karma, for example.

And that is why spiritual deities will never interfere in human society — there are metaphysical laws to care for it. People who pray to their god to help their team win a game or election, or to make the hurricane move over to a neighbor’s house rather than theirs, they are not addressing spiritual deities. We are learning how to become trusting of the natural processes governed by natural laws and metaphysical laws. We are learning to accept what we cannot change and become the best person possible, in the circumstances.

Each lifetime is different, in a different human body and cultural context. We are learning that this exact moment, now, is the only reality we should be concerned about and to use our Attitude to make its energy good and wholesome. We are learning that life is not fair, that justice is unjust, and people are not equal and will never be. We are learning to see life, and approach life, from an immortal spirit’s viewpoint.

Compassion, in the Wayist understanding, is the ability to empathize with the suffering of others and to respond with caring and kindness. It arises from the recognition of our fundamental interconnectedness – the understanding that the happiness and well-being of others is intimately linked to our own.

As we walk the path of spiritual evolution, we are invited to cultivate compassion through practices such as loving-kindness meditation, service to others, and the constant reminder of our shared humanity. By opening our hearts to the joys and sorrows of all beings, we gradually expand our circle of concern and develop a more inclusive, compassionate worldview.

Wisdom, in the Wayist tradition, refers to the deep, intuitive understanding of the nature of reality that arises from direct spiritual insight. It is not merely intellectual knowledge, but rather a profound, embodied knowing that transforms our entire perspective on life.

Cultivating wisdom involves practices such as self-inquiry, contemplation, and the study of spiritual teachings. It also requires a willingness to question our assumptions, to let go of limiting beliefs and concepts, and to open ourselves to new possibilities of understanding.

A millennia-old Wayist saying is, “own your own mind, for if you don’t, someone else will”.

As we grow in wisdom, we begin to see the world through the eyes of clarity and discernment. We develop the ability to respond to life’s challenges with grace, resilience, and a deep trust in the unfolding of The Way.

Chrestotes, a Greek term that can be translated as “helpful loving-kindness,” is perhaps the most distinctive of the Wayist qualities. It refers to the active, engaged expression of compassion and wisdom in service to others.

Chrestotes involves more than just a feeling of empathy or concern – it is a committed, skillful action that seeks to alleviate suffering and promote well-being in whatever way is most appropriate and effective. It requires a keen understanding of the needs of others, as well as the wisdom to know how best to meet those needs.

Cultivating chrestotes involves a constant attentiveness to the opportunities for kindness and service that arise in our daily lives. It means being willing to offer our time, energy, and resources in support of others, without expectation of reward or recognition. The wisdom skill of chrestotes prepares us to know when no help, is the best help, and to know when help interferes in someone’s karma or necessary learning of the wisdom of facing consequences. Chrestotes is a most challenging spiritual skill to acquire. Start early, because it takes several lifetimes to master.

As we embody chrestotes more fully, we become a living expression of the divine love and wisdom that flows through all of existence. We become a healing presence in the world, a force for positive transformation and awakening.

Together, these three qualities – compassion, wisdom, and chrestotes – form the foundation of the Wayist path. By cultivating them in our own lives, we not only accelerate our own spiritual evolution but also contribute to the evolution of the spiritual awareness of all whom we come into contact with.

Wayists have produced books and other materials on the topics discussed here. There is an e-book online with the text of this podcast. The online community at Wayist.Life also have more information about these beautiful lifestyle elements.

In our next episode, we’ll explore the principles of authenticity, simplicity, and the practice of Udbhu-kanti, in Wayist spirituality. Until then, may your path be filled with ever-deepening compassion, wisdom, and loving-kindness.

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