theWAY of Wholesomeness

The Science Why Wayists Live Better and Happier

Modern science has validated what Wayism had taught for millennia: their approach to life consistently leads to greater happiness, better mental health, and deeper satisfaction.

In “theWAY of Wholesomeness,” Jean du Plessis reveals the science behind this remarkable phenomenon, bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary research on human flourishing.

This groundbreaking book explains why Wayists:

  • Report higher levels of life satisfaction
  • Demonstrate better mental health outcomes
  • Build stronger, more authentic relationships
  • Show greater resilience in facing life’s challenges
  • Experience more genuine joy and contentment

Drawing from both scientific studies and timeless Wayist principles, du Plessis explores:

  • The power of energy awareness and management
  • The practice of helpful loving-kindness in daily life
  • Methods for cultivating authentic joy and awe
  • Techniques for effective self-reflection and personal growth
  • Practical approaches to mindful living
  • The science of wholesome relationships
  • Tools for developing social intelligence
  • Spiritual practices that enhance overall wellbeing

Written in clear, direct language, this book offers practical tools and insights for anyone seeking evidence-based approaches to better living. Whether you’re new to Wayist principles or a long-time practitioner, you’ll discover how to apply these scientifically-validated practices to create a more fulfilling, balanced, and happier life.

Perfect for:

  • Those interested in the intersection of spirituality and science
  • Individuals seeking practical approaches to personal growth
  • Anyone looking to enhance their mental health and wellbeing
  • Those curious about why Wayist practices are so effective
  • Readers wanting evidence-based approaches to happiness

Discover the scientific foundation behind Wayist practices and learn how to apply these principles in your own life for greater wholeness, authenticity, and joy.

Author: Jean Prieur du Plessis

Print Book ISBN: 978-1-998478-35-4 (Amazon ASIN: 1998478351 )
eBook ISBN: 978-1-998478-36-1 (Amazon ASIN: B0DPC81S1Z )
212 pp.

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Part I: Foundations of Wayist Wholesomeness

  1. Understanding the Nature of Existence 9
  2. The Wayist Worldview 17
  3. The Wayist Concept of Self 25
  4. The Minds and Their ‘Happiness’

    Part II: Cultivating Wayist Virtues and Character
  5. Wisdom and Knowledge 53
  6. Courage and Humanity 67
  7. Transformative Struggle 81
  8. Transcendence 89
  9. Justice and Temperance 103
  10. Ethics and Morals 123
  11. Synthesizing Wholesome Mental States: A
    Wayist Approach

    Part III: Living the Wayist Path
  12. Mindful Living 149
  13. Relationships and Community 163
  14. Spiritual Practices 181
  15. Conclusion 197

Sample Chapter

Wisdom and Knowledge

We’ve all heard the saying “knowledge is power,” but in Wayism, we take it a step further. We believe that wisdom and knowledge are essential ingredients for a fulfilling, wholesome life. But we’re not just talking about book smarts here.

For as long as history is old, individuals with power and the desire to manipulate people, controlled the flow of information and knowledge. Their strategy involved taking control of news outlets, shaping messages, shaping historical accounts, and influencing educational materials to advance their goals. Throughout history, those in power have relied on fake news, disinformation, and suppressing dissenting voices to maintain control and benefit themselves.

Understanding this as an intrinsic aspect of existence, the Wayist consistently seeks to authenticate information by seeking input from diverse sources. Picture this: you stumble upon an intriguing story, but upon further investigation, you realize it stems from a well-known gossipmonger, a doctor with an interest in the pharmacy, or politician, in the area. If such a scenario arises, it is prudent to gather information from alternative sources before forming any beliefs about the story.

We’re diving into a deeper understanding of knowledge and wisdom, which can transform how you view the world and your place in it.

Personal Life Philosophy with Ontological Understanding
Science knows that people with a personal life philosophy and ontological understanding tend to be happier, more wholesome, and healthier. Over past millennia, most people held their life philosophies and traditional ontological understandings that sustained them. But modern western life had been under attack by forces who sell corporately motivated political and chemical solutions to unhappy and weak people.

Over several generations, the average westerner was alienated from self and ancient wisdom, and were indoctrinated to adopt a personal life philosophy rooted in unsustainable sickness and weakness: individualism, skepticism, selfishness, anti-family, anti-parenting, anti-common-sense, anti-spiritual, nihilism (nothing actually exists, existence or values are meaningless. Relentless negativity suggesting an absence of values or beliefs).
While parading as human rights, they deteriorated the quality of life of the most vulnerable in society. They broke down the values of gender relations and family, ancient human values, and medicines, and societal systems that used to sustain people.

They created a population of individuals marked by loneliness, neuroses, fearsome, enraged, mentally ill, distrust, and physically illness; an insatiable consumer prepared to work itself to death and die unenlightened after a meaningless life. Science agrees, one must have a wholesome personal life philosophy to one day discover what happiness and wholesomeness are.
You may decide to allow this book to help you develop your personal life philosophy while reading about the qualities humans need to become happy and wholesome. But, don’t worry — this isn’t about becoming the next great philosopher. It’s about understanding the nature of being and existence in a way that makes sense to you.

Think of it like this: If your life were a ship, your personal philosophy would be the explicit purpose of the trip, the compass, shipping route, and maps guiding you through both calm and stormy weather. Your personal life philosophy helps you answer the big questions: Who am I? What’s the nature of reality? Why am I here? Where am I going after this? What’s my purpose?
A good book to read to help you form a comprehensive personal life philosophy is “theWAY of the Heart Mind”.

Here’s how developing this philosophy can benefit you, according to modern science

  1. Clarity and Direction When you have a clear philosophy, making decisions becomes easier. It’s like having a personal GPS for life’s journey.
  2. Resilience Understanding the deeper nature of reality helps you handle life’s challenges better. You can see beyond immediate difficulties to the bigger picture.
  3. Sense of Meaning This understanding provides a framework for finding meaning in all experiences, both positive and negative. And guess what? Research shows that a sense of meaning is strongly linked to life satisfaction and mental health.
    Reading Wayism is one way to begin developing your personal philosophy. You have arrived at this point where the universe brought you face to face with it because you have lived, tried and tested what your culture and society wanted for you.
    To continue on the path with Wayism as your foundation, vehicle, and measuring tape, try these
    ● Spend some time journaling about life’s big questions.
    ● Read about different philosophical and spiritual traditions — not to adopt them wholesale, but to inform your own thinking. When in discussion, your view will not only be from an informed viewpoint, it will also be with respect.
    ● Have deep discussions with others about the nature of reality and existence. Not to convince them or win an argument, but to learn about life as others view it. Typically, you cannot change a person’s belief system, its like the other religions, climate change, and sometimes even the popular narrative of the day. Attacking someone’s belief system with evidence to the contrary is always received with deep emotions and they will lash out and destroy you for it.
    ● Observe how your beliefs shape your life experiences.

Remember, your personal philosophy isn’t set in stone. It should evolve as you grow and gain new insights. Even rereading a sentence in a Wayist book, years from now, can reveal deeper layers of wisdom. We learn at our own pace. We can only grasp the wisdom for which we were prepared. If you ‘get’ this book, it is because of exactly that — it was years in the making.

Critical Thinking and Discernment
Scientists are telling people: to be happy, you need critical thinking skills. The dictum, “Own Your Own Mind,” has been a Wayist teaching for nearly 3,500 years that we know of. In today’s world of information overload, and the proliferation of manipulative information being forced upon people, being able to think critically and discern truth from falsehood is more crucial than ever. But in Wayism, critical thinking isn’t about being cynical — it’s about approaching life with a clear, questioning mind.

Here’s what science says why it’s so important

  1. Protection from Manipulation Sharp critical thinking skills make you less susceptible to manipulation by politicians, corporations, and corporate owned control bodies, media, advertising, or misleading ideologies. It’s like having a built-in fact-checker.
  2. Better Decision Making When you can analyze situations effectively, you make better choices in all areas of life. This can seriously reduce stress and increase life satisfaction.
  3. Intellectual Humility True critical thinking involves recognizing the limitations of your own knowledge. This humility can lead to better relationships and a more peaceful mindset. This also involves knowing how insignificant the human species and its brain is in the Universal sense.
  4. Don’t sweat the nonsense Critical thinking helps you to recognize when something is worth your emotional investment or not. Some long-coming movements are bigger than you. You may recognize how democracy is like WWE entertainment: its been bought, its owned and presented to you like the ancient Roman circus. People speak of “two wings of the same bird” because forces other than the bird controls things and the wings are there to make us believe we had a choice in the outcome. You may recognize how the powers that be use your money and your children to inflict untold sorrow, death, and hardship on others for the benefit of a few individuals, many of whom don’t even live in your country. You may recognise how there are world orders and every country in the world is but another pion in the big chess game of world orders. These are the games that soul-people play and have been playing for as long as humanity is old.

    You must choose to either toxify your life and mind and fret about the injustice of it, then die unhappy, or get out there and have a beautiful life irrespective of what they are doing to the world. This campus, this school of divinity for souls, is overrun by junior students, soul-people. And they will never be any different. They have the majority vote in everything because they are the majority of people on campus.

    Like a looming WW3 or cultural genocide in full swing, fifty years in the making — you can’t do much except vote in a rigged election, but you can decide not to sweat the nonsense and enjoy every moment you can with nature, living beings, being kind, have joy and awe, and love your loved ones while you still can — and when your time comes to depart this body, you go with peace in your heart, better off than when you incarnated to Earth some years ago. And when you come back, you are ahead of the game and won’t be caught up in it.
    You can choose to embrace different values and not be so much of a puppet in their machinations.

To sharpen your critical thinking skills
● Practice questioning your own assumptions and beliefs. Ask yourself, “Why do I believe this?” “How many institutions conspired to tell me what I must believe — why — what it to them?”
● Seek out diverse viewpoints on important issues. Try to understand perspectives different from your own.
● Learn about common logical fallacies and how to avoid them.
● Develop the habit of fact-checking before accepting information as true.

Love of Learning and Curiosity
In Wayism, we believe that life is a continuous journey of growth and discovery. We came here to evolve our mortal souls into immortal spirits. And wisdom that becomes a spiritual skill, is how it happens. The beginning of wisdom is self-knowledge. Cultivating a love of learning and maintaining a curious mindset are key to this journey.
Think of curiosity as the spark that lights up your world, making even ordinary experiences extraordinary.

Here’s why modern science says curiosity is so powerful

  1. Mental Stimulation Continuous learning keeps your mind active and engaged. It’s like a workout for your brain, helping to keep it healthy as you age.
  2. Increased Adaptability In our rapidly changing world, those who love to learn are better equipped to adapt to new situations. This can seriously reduce stress and anxiety about change.
  3. Enhanced Creativity Curiosity often leads to creative insights as you make connections between diverse areas of knowledge.
  4. Greater Life Satisfaction The process of learning and discovery can be deeply fulfilling, contributing to a sense of purpose and engagement with life.

    To nurture your love of learning and curiosity
    ● Make time to explore topics that interest you, even if they’re not directly related to your work or daily life.
    ● Practice mindfulness to become more aware of the world around you. There’s wonder in even the most ordinary things if you look closely.
    ● Ask questions and seek to understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind things. How do they make this? Especially living things and nature — there is a fascinating universe hidden from the minds of the average person.
    ● Embrace new experiences and step out of your comfort zone regularly. Not only things different to your normal, but things that make you feel uncomfortable — that is the meaning of getting out of your comfort zone — the cocoon that keeps you uninformed and vulnerable. Foods. If others eat it, so can you. Like with the opinions of others, if you don’t like it, spit it out and move on to the next dish.

    Open-mindedness and Perspective
    Being open-minded is about being willing to consider new ideas and perspectives, even when they challenge your existing beliefs. If you don’t like it after tasting it in your mind, spit it out and move on to the next dish — been there, done that. It’s a quality that’s essential for personal growth and for navigating our diverse and complex world. For the Wayist, it’s a quality that is central to evolving the soul.

    Here’s why science says open-mindedness is so valuable

    Reduced Conflict
    Being open to allow others’ viewpoints to exist can significantly reduce interpersonal conflicts and improve relationships.

    Enhanced Problem-Solving
    Considering multiple perspectives often leads to more creative and effective solutions to problems.

    Personal Growth
    Open-mindedness allows you to learn from a wider range of experiences and viewpoints, accelerating your personal development.

    Increased Empathy
    Understanding different perspectives naturally increases your ability to empathize with others, leading to more fulfilling relationships.

To cultivate open-mindedness
Actively seek out viewpoints that differ from your own. Read books, articles or listen to podcasts by people you disagree with.
Practice suspending judgment and really listening to others, even when their views challenge yours.
Challenge your own beliefs regularly. Ask yourself, “What if I’m wrong about this?” When it comes to your Wayism vs. something else, ask, “Have I found something that is better all round?” If you believe you have found a better alternative, then that may be a path you need to go down, even if it leads into a swamp. If Wayism is what your soul really needs, then Karma and your guardian deity will, over time, guide you back to this Path. Ask Rumi, Kabir, the Bhagavad Gita, Lalleshwari, Janabai, Lord Jesus, and Bodhidarma — it’s true, all people are led back to this Path when they mature into it.
Travel and expose yourself to different cultures when possible. Listen and observe without your confirmation bias. If travel isn’t an option, explore different cultures by meeting people of other cultures in your own town, or through books, films, or local cultural events.

By cultivating these aspects of wisdom and knowledge — a personal life philosophy, critical thinking, love of learning, and open-mindedness — we create a solid foundation for a life of wholeness and happiness. These qualities enable us to navigate life’s complexities with grace, to find meaning in our experiences, and to continually grow and evolve.

As we progress on the Wayist path, these virtues become not just intellectual concepts, but lived realities that infuse every aspect of our being. They shape how we perceive the world, how we interact with others, and how we understand ourselves. In doing so, they contribute immeasurably to our sense of purpose, our resilience in the face of challenges, and our overall well-being and happiness.

We become humble in knowledge; we start to know what we don’t know — and that is the foundation of true wisdom. This too is why no one should change or “adapt” Wayist philosophy to suit their present needs and ideas. It’s an ancient philosophy that survived the world and was preserved for us for more than 5,000 years already. Anyone who wants to change it must be wiser than Wayism itself, more than 5,000 years of esoteric wisdom. Meaning — it is deeper and more thorough than you can now understand. Give your soul and spirit time to work with it and use it as foundation whenever you seek and gain other knowledge, then test them against what you have. That is the Path.

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