the Nature of Existence, the Purpose of Life, and the Spiritual Path

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406 pages
E-book ISBN: 978-1-998478-13-2
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-998478-12-5
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-7381828-8-6
In this illuminating work, the ancient teaching of The Way is unveiled for the modern seeker.
The reader will find the Primary Teaching of theWAY to be succinct, easy to understand, timeless, and filled with cosmic insight.
Unlike most philosophies and spiritual paths, theWAY explains the nature of Reality, the Purpose of Life, and the spiritual Path to its fulfillment in a logical way.
This book offers a profound exploration of existence, purpose, meaning, and the spiritual journey.
Discover the intricate cosmic tapestry of Reality, from the Absolute to the manifest universe, to a deep understanding of Self and our inter-disconnectedness with other beings. Unravel the mysteries of the soul’s evolution, spirit formation, and the ultimate destiny of human consciousness.
Whether you are new to Wayism or a seasoned traveler, this comprehensive collection of the Primary Teachings provides a roadmap for navigating life’s challenges and realizing your highest potential. Embrace ancient Wayism and embark on the transformative journey towards enlightenment, immortality, and union with the divine family to which we ascend.
To know the primary teaching of theWAY is your gateway to self-knowledge, wholesomeness, and a deeper understanding of yourself and the cosmos.
Open these pages and step onto the Butterfly Path of spiritual awakening.
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Contact us if you desire to collaborate on a translation project for this book.
In your hands rests a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, a compendium of teachings that span millennia and traverse the globe. This work, meticulously compiled and thoughtfully presented, offers a glimpse into the profound spiritual insights that have guided seekers on the path of transformation since time immemorial. In keeping with tradition, we write theWAY for the Teaching, and The Way for the divine concept within which our universe exist.
I, Salvar Dàosenglu, speak not as an individual but as the voice of a collective—a dedicated team of scholars, practitioners, and translators hailing from diverse corners of our world. For decades, we have labored across continents and cultures, driven by a shared passion to bring these timeless teachings into the English language. Our journey has been one of discovery, challenge, and profound reverence for the wisdom we have encountered.
Yet, dear reader, we must emphasize a crucial truth: the knowledge contained within these pages is not essential for walking theWAY. Every human, by virtue of their existence, already possesses all they need to embark upon and accomplish the sacred quest of evolving their soul. The purpose of this compilation is not to add burden to your journey, but to illuminate the path that already lies within you.
While this material may serve scholarly pursuits, its true value lies in its potential to aid future cognitive Wayists. It stands as a resource, a wellspring from which teachers and seekers alike may draw to explicate these profound teachings in formats accessible to diverse audiences. Moreover, it provides a foundation for future translations, ensuring that this wisdom may continue to transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries.
It is crucial to note that no single collection of teachings can ever fully encompass the entirety of theWAY. The chapters within this book have been carefully selected to touch upon key aspects of the teaching, and we are confident that all fundamental principles are presented herein. The core teachings of theWAY are few in number, characterized by their simplicity and humility. While this volume contains these essential teachings, it also includes philosophical reflections from ancient traditions that illuminate and expand upon these core concepts.
We acknowledge and honor the myriad other teachings that exist, each offering unique perspectives and applications of these key and timeless truths. Many have been delivered through beautiful books and poetic expressions that deeply touch people’s lives. We encourage readers to explore the works of great teachers, such as Rumi, Lalleswari, Janabai, Kabir, and Mirabai, among others. Their wisdom complements and enriches the understanding presented here, offering diverse pathways to embody the principles of theWAY in daily life.
As you delve into these pages, remember that you are not encountering mere words, but echoes of the eternal. Let this book be not a dictate, but a dialogue—an invitation to explore the depths of your own being and to recognize the divine spark that resides within.
May this work serve as a humble tribute to the countless souls who have walked this path before us, and as a beacon of light for those who are yet to come. With deepest gratitude and in service to theWAY, we offer you this compilation of timeless wisdom.
Within these pages, you will find a comprehensive exploration of Wayist spirituality, its core principles, and practices. The book delves into fundamental concepts such as the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the journey of spiritual evolution known as the Butterfly Path. It elucidates the Wayist understanding of the soul, spirit, and the divine, offering insights into the process of spiritual rebirth and transformation.
Readers can expect to encounter:
– In-depth discussions of Wayist cosmology and ontology.
– Practical guidance on the mystical path, meditation, prayer, and energy work.
– Explorations of key Wayist concepts such as karma, dharma, and free will.
– Insights into the role of Divine Taras and the nature of Sukhavati heaven.
– Reflections on ethical living and the application of Wayist principles in daily life.
This book serves as both an introduction for newcomers and a deepening of understanding for long-time practitioners. It aims to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary life, offering a path of spiritual growth that is both profound and practical.
As you journey through these teachings, may you find not only knowledge, but also inspiration for your own spiritual quest. May these words resonate with the wisdom that already resides within you, illuminating the Way that leads to true understanding and lasting peace.
Salvar Dàosenglu :Editor and Voice of the Collective
1. The Purpose of Life
2. The Butterfly Path – the purpose and meaning of life. You signed up for this School of Divinity for Souls, which is presently hosted on earth and played out through human experiences.
3. We are Hybrid Beings
4. SOUL-people and SPIRIT-people
5. All are Energy. The Principle of Energy Work
6. Mystical and Existential Path
7. Immortal Spirit Guides
8. Values the Wayist Holds Dear
9. Path of Authenticity – we did not come here to be actors, to play a role in the script and movie that our culture and people produce. If “you” would evolve, then be “you” not the character in the mold and mask they put on you.
10. Udbhu-kanti : Authenticity is Ultimate Beauty
11. The Mystic Rebirth – evolution of the soul to immortal spirit
12. Wayist Spiritual Communities – your neighbour are all living beings
13. The Absolute – the unknowable we cannot speak of
14. The Unfathomable One – The Source of all Energies
15. The Two – The bipolar stream of creative energies, Yin & Yang
16. The Three – the system of The Way within which Enrgies are bound by rules and categories as to the way and manner it will be — in The Way exist our reality — our cosmos, the domain of spirit energy, domain of soul energy, and domain of material energy.
17. Our Spirit Heaven – Many “species” of spirit beings exist in Domain of Spirit Energy. The type to which we are evolving has its own world, space, a heaven, and has its own rulers – Mother God in Heaven and Father God in Heaven.
18. The Psychomesion – The energy space which separates for example earth and Paradise
19. Our Soul Heaven – Paradise, the temporary heaven between incarnations.
20. The Laws of The Way – the Laws that govern the energies within The Way
21.~ Law of Evolution
22.~ Law of Reincarnation
23.~ Law of Maya
24.~ Law of Karma
25.~ Law of Dharma
26.~ Law of Free Will
27.~ Law of Cyclic Return
28.~ Law of Non – Interference
29. Physiology, Psychology, and Pneumology
30. Pneumatherapy and Pneumapathy
31. Human Soul
32. Human Spirit
33.The Organic Body
34. Input and Output
35. Body Minds, Soul Minds, and Spirit Minds
36. ~ Sahasrara Spirit Mind
37. ~ Ajna Spirit Mind
38. ~ Vishuddhi Spirit Mind
39. ~ Anahata Spirit Mind
40. ~ Manipura Soul Mind
41. ~ Svadhisthana Soul Mind
42. ~ Muladhara Soul Mind
43. ~ Brain Mind
44. ~ Intelligence of Organ Minds
45. ~ Microbiome Mind
47. The Spiritual Powers and Skills we develop come from embracing
48. ~ Humbleness
49. ~ Simplicity
50. ~ Compassion and its Chrestotes (helpful loving-kindness)
51. The Lotus Teaching
52. Energy Awareness in everyday life – food, beings, people, spaces, self, and your divine guide
53. Earth as a massive, intelligent and aware energy energy structure. We are not her protectors, we are arrogant, self-centred, power-seeking, inconsiderate, hosts who annihilate other guests. Mother Earth may just shake her skin or move the waters to get rid of the pests, as she had done before.
54. Existence : the nature of existence
55. Attitude : our spiritual tool to manage our energies
56. Theopathy and the Theopathic Nexus – mysticism
57. Mysticeptive Gateway – mysticism
58. Scenic Route – mindfulness
59. The Creators – almost all beings are creators
60. Physical and Metaphysical Maintenance – care also for your subtle energy bodies, not only brushing your teeth and washing your skin. Don’t be going around with filth of an ‘unwashed’ soul or spirit.
61. The Concept of “evil” – philosophy to understand what “evil” means
62. Meditation – the true meaning and practise of a meditative attitude
63. Prayer – the use and practise of prayer, talking to your divine guide, prayer as self-psychotherapy and behaviour therapy.
64. Spritual Practise
65. Understanding The Way
66. theWAY of Living and Dying
67. Sacred Sensuousness – we are hyper-sensuous beings. Sensuousness is an important aspect of the Path.
68. Path Partners – how to live with partners
69. Wisdom of All Beings
70. Wayist Holy Places –
71. Calendar of Holy Days
72. Struggle and Suffering
73. Sacred Art of Parenting
74. Energy Ecology
75. The Quest for Your Mind – Own Your Own Mind, for if you don’t, someone else will.
76. Energy Structures – all that exist are energy structures, all have a sense of self and sense of purpose
77. The Facilitating Coach
78. Simile of the River
79. Ghosts, Demons and Spirit Beings
80. Spiritual Beings Known to Humankind
81. Encountering theWAY
82. Step Lightly
83. Love
84. Obscuring Wisdom
85. The Nature of Yielding
86. Ethics and Morals – we do not have a Wayist moral code or code of ethics. Each person has their own inner moral code –their Dharma–and it develops as we gain more and more wisdom.
87. Faith
88. Enlightenment
89. Illusions of Equality and Fairness
90. Government Leaders
91. Simplicity in Living
92. Discerning and Discrimination
93. The Nature of Truth
94. Your Fate – Being born a human is your fate, because you chose this Path. Having interesting and various experiences if part of the Path–its how we evolve and gain wisdom. Having to deal with tough learning opportunities, is part of the Path. And then, add your own karma, which are lessons you keep repeating because you have not yet developed the necessary wisdom and dharma to move on.
95. The Flow of the Way
96. The Three Qualities
97. Servility of Non-being
98. Two Great Illusions – individuality and self-sufficiency
99. The Ego – is necessary, you cannot go without, But the ego is based in lower-self’s 2nd mind, Svadhisthana. The ego must be sactified to know your true spiritual nature.
100. Understanding the Wayist – very hard to pin us down because we are so contrarian to the things of the world and so open to learning and dynamic change.
101. Teaching Mystic Virtue
102. The Sins – understanding Wayist definition of what a sin is — harmartia — to aim to miss the mark. It will have karmic consequences to help you graduate.
103. Expressing the Essence
104. The Flow of The Way
105. Mandalas
106. Yantras
107. Mantras
108. Yielding is Powerful
109. Delusion of Permanence
110. Hollow Platitudes are not wisdom. wisdom is not wisdom until it is put into practise, lived.
111. Moderation of Force
112. Cruelty – from a Wayist perspective, which is different to the popular narrative and religions.
113. Wayists Sacraments – being mindful of the energies, almost anything has the potential to become a sacrament – you make it so.
114. The Universal Gateway
115. Not making enemies
116. Shun Hardness
117. The Call of the Lord – Lord Jesus, Lord Krishna, Siddharta Gautama, and most other in higher spirituality all live in our Heaven. We are all on the same Path.
118. Closing
119. First Steps
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