It is challenging to responsibly encapsulate the teaching of a lifestyle and personal life philosophy succinctly. What follows is just one more attempt to do it short, to the point, and sort of comprehensive:
Wayism is a spiritual path that shall never be an organized religion or movement under one or more individuals. It is a deeply personal and existential spirituality. Wayism is said to combine ancient wisdom with what some commentators describe as a rather modern, inclusive approach. It offers a profound understanding of life’s purpose and a practical framework for spiritual growth. Key teachings include:
– The Purpose of Life:
We chose to come to Earth to attend the “Butterfly Path,” a school of divinity for souls. Like caterpillars transforming into butterflies, we evolve from soul-focused beings to immortal spiritual entities.
– Spiritual Evolution:
All humans are on this path of spiritual evolution, but at different stages. Junior students (the majority) are dominated by their lower-self or soul-minds, while senior students have learned to subject their soul-minds to their higher-self or spirit-minds. The human, as a rather lowly-developed species of soul that lives shoort lives in human-animal bodies is by no means significant in our galaxy. In fact, humans are as insignificant in the galaxy as the galaxy is in the universe.
The spirit-being who evolved from the human soul is important only to our particular spirit heaven where God our Father in Heaven and God our Mother in Heaven rule as regents. We are important in the heaven of our spirit-species because the work we do as immortal spirit beings is to provide caring energy healing and energy correction services to soul-beings in energy distress in our galaxy. We are therefore important in heaven because the deities, the spirit-beings of our heaven take their task most seriously.
– Self-Development:
The core purpose of life is self-development and the evolution of the soul. This is achieved by gaining wisdom from human experiences and engaging in self-craft.
– Meaning-Making:
Wayism teaches that we derive meaning from reflecting on our experiences. We decide what is the meaning of an event, not the events or the actors in the events. No, we decide the meaning and the wisdom we can learn from it. This empowers us to shape our spiritual growth.
– Energy Management:
Through the metaphysical tool of Attitude, we can consciously shift our energies between different minds,; the three soul minds, or the four spirit minds (known as chakras to some people). This spiritual skill allows us to choose which aspect of our being dominates in any situation.
– Gradual Enlightenment:
Rather than a single event, enlightenment is seen as a process filled with multiple small realizations, over several lifetimes, much like the gradual learning process in school.
– Karmic Curriculum:
The Law of Karma organizes our learning experiences, providing exactly what we need to develop the spiritual skills required for graduation. Karma is not a system of reward and punishment, it is a metaphysical law that aids our evolution, to becoming immortal spirit-beings. The deities in change of the school, have neither the notion nor the need to reward or punish anyone. The system works perfectly as is.
– Personal Dharma:
Each individual has their own inner moral code which is called Dharma. Our personal dharma is described as an intrinsic moral code or sense of duty. We develop our dharma over lifetimes of gaining wisdom, layer by layer. Each time a wisdom develops or is refined, we inherit a corresponding higher sense of right and wrong, of moral behavior, and our sense of duty. This way, we become good in essence, not because of an external moral code. Living in accordance with this developing Dharma, cultivates an intrinsically beneficent nature.
– Divine Guidance:
Each soul who sets foot on Butterfly Path is allocated an energy guardian. We need this because we exist in a fragile state as hybrid soul and spirit beings. We are fledgling spirits and our souls are changing day by day. Once we can attune to higher-self energies of the spirit minds, we can step into a personal relationship with our divine guide. These holy spirits are accessible to us through prayerful and meditative states. In the ancient Sanskrit literature these holy spirits are referred to as Taras because they ferry our awareness from this shore to that other shore in heaven.
– Spiritual Practices:
Living life fully, joyfully, and with awe. Appreciating that we are here to learn from as many diverse human experiences possible in a lifetime. Self-reflection, self-knowledge, self-craft, Meditation, prayer, and “mystiception” (the Wayist term for mystical perception), help us grow spiritually.
– Inclusive Wisdom:
Teachings of The Way are ancient, going back well before the Sumerians. The simple framework of what we today refer to as Wayism, in English language, was used as the basic tapestry upon which most philosophies and religions wove their plush carpets. Therefore, one finds in almost every spiritual tradition at the highest mystical levels the truth of the one and only Path, the purpose of life. That is why the mystics of the religions all sing from the same songbook. No matter which religion one comes from, Wayism eventually speaks the language of spiritual awakening in your accent.
– Key Principles:
The key principles of Wayism are, Humbleness (or authenticity), Simplicity, and Compassion. We value as Compassion in particular as Lord Jesus said when he used the Greek word, krestotes. It is the wisdom skill to care about all soul beings, meaning all of nature, and to know what help is the right help, and how to provide it.
– Societal Perspective:
As junior students outnumber seniors, the world’s democratic institutions often reflect less evolved perspectives, creating challenging but educationally valuable environments.
Juniors create chaos on campus because, like the caterpillar, they are obsessed with competition, tribalism, speciesism, greed, hoarding resources, camouflage and identity issues, and consuming or owning as much as possible.
Their actions create karmic conditions that can help them change their hearts in time. We use the ancient term, soul-people to refer to people who are dominated by their soul-minds, their lower-self nature.
The seniors on the campus must live in the same karmic conditions the juniors create. If we live in a group or nation that has heaped upon themselves mountains of karma because of their history of abusing other nations, then we live in a space where all people must live the hardships to become wise.
Seniors may not need those learning opportunities, but they live in the world the juniors make. And the juniors will continue to elect people just like them, and worship gods who are just like them, only stronger, because that is what they respect.
For spiritual seekers, Wayism offers a comprehensive worldview and practical tools for growth without rigid dogma. It provides a deep understanding of life’s purpose and a path to achieve profound personal transformation. By embracing Wayism, individuals can navigate their spiritual journey with clarity, purpose, and the potential to evolve into beneficent, immortal spiritual beings.
For books on Wayism, please see our publisher’s website, wayism.net. One of the online communities at wayist.life offers more resources.
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