Teachings of Beloved +Yusa

Teacher +Yusa

In an age of instant wisdom and downloadable enlightenment, Beloved +Yusa (1927-2002) embodied a different way – one of lived truth, practical wisdom, and transformative insight. Born in Turkey as Yerem Nazaryan to a Sufi father and Armenian Christian mother, his life bridged worlds, traditions, and ways of understanding that would shape him into one of Wayism’s most beloved teachers.
This carefully curated collection of his teachings, gathered from ashram talks and intimate conversations, captures the essence of a master who taught not through grand proclamations but through simple observations, gentle humor, and profound insights into the human condition. From his early years in Kurdistan to his final days in India, +Yusa’s wisdom touched thousands of lives, weaving together the spiritual heritage of East and West into a tapestry of practical enlightenment.

Whether addressing life’s deepest mysteries or life’s everyday challenges, his words carry the unmistakable ring of lived truth. Here you’ll find teachings on:
- The natural way of spiritual evolution
- Finding authenticity in a world of appearances
- Understanding the true nature of reality
- Navigating life’s complexities with wisdom and grace
- The practical path to higher consciousness
These teachings, preserved by his students and edited by Teacher +Pradheep, offer a rare glimpse into the mind and heart of a modern mystic who embodied the perennial wisdom of Wayism. As relevant today as when they were first shared, they continue to illuminate the path for seekers of truth in our complex world.
Amazon ASIN: 1998478548
Example Lesson: The Christ
[As recorded during an evening gathering in Kashmir, where the sound of distant temple bells mixed with the call to prayer]
Ah, my dear ones, someone has asked about Christ. [His eyes would crinkle with that characteristic mix of wisdom and gentle amusement] Such a simple question that contains worlds within worlds! Let us unfold this carefully, like opening a precious scroll that has been sealed for too long.
*[Adjusting his position slightly to ease his chronic pain, a reminder of his 1972 ordeal]*
You see, when our Western friends speak of “Jesus Christ,” they often say it as if it were a name, like “John Smith” or “Mary Jones.” [A soft chuckle] But language, dear ones, language is like the morning mist – it can either reveal or conceal, depending on how the light strikes it.
In Greek – ah, such a precise language! – they say “christos,” meaning “the anointed one.” [He would often trace Greek letters in the air with his finger] Our Jewish friends would say “meshiach,” what you know as “messiah.” Same meaning, different sounds. Like the same bird singing in different forests.
[His voice would take on that special teaching quality, somewhere between intimate conversation and shared revelation]
Now, here’s something interesting: Paul of Tarsus – you know him, the one who once hunted our people like deer in the forest – he came to the Jerusalem council of People of the Way more than ten years after they had executed our beloved Iesous. Think of it! The same hands that signed Stephen’s death warrant now sought our wisdom. [A momentary pause, heavy with meaning] The universe has quite a sense of humour, doesn’t it?
[Leaning forward slightly, as he often did when sharing something particularly significant]
Paul took our living teacher and made him into a Jewish messiah, like King Cyrus of Persia before him. Why? Ah, now we’re asking the right question! You see, after Jerusalem fell in 70CE, after the great Temple crumbled to dust, the Jewish people needed… what? Not just hope – they needed a new way to be Jewish in a world that had changed beneath their feet.
[His voice would soften, taking on that characteristic tone that mixed compassion with clear-sighted wisdom]
Is this bad? *[He would often answer his own questions this way]* Look at the morning glory climbing the temple wall. Does it harm the temple? Does the temple harm the flower? Each finds its way to the light as it must. The British Empire came to India, yes, just as Islamic conquerors did, just as Ashoka spread Buddhism. The soul-people of Earth need their religions like gardens need walls – to give shape to what grows within.
[Here he would often pause to sip tea, gathering his thoughts]
Remember what Lord Avalokitesvara taught us about Upaya in the 1st century – we must be like water, taking the shape of any vessel while remaining pure within. When Christians speak of Christ, when Jews speak of Messiah, when Buddhists speak of Buddha – we listen with open hearts. We understand that each tradition sees the same mountain from its own valley.
[His voice would take on that special quality it had when concluding important teachings]
Dear ones, it matters little what labels others put on our beloved Iesous. What matters is the Way itself – the path he showed us, the truth he lived, the light he kindled in hearts that still burns today. Let Christians have their Christ, let Jews have their decisions, let all peoples find their own path to the summit. We of the Way know that all paths eventually lead to the same peak, though some may take the longer route around the mountain.
[And then, with that characteristic twinkle returning to his eyes]
After all, when you reach the mountain top, does it matter which path you took to get there? The view is the same for everyone who makes the climb.
[These words were preserved with profound gratitude for +Yusa’s ability to weave truth through the tapestry of many traditions while maintaining the pure thread of the Way]
-end of lesson
Table of Contents
1.Biography of Teacher +Yusa (1927-2002)
2.How I first met Beloved +yusa
3.“I have the same religion as God”
4.Why The Way?
5.Words of Fire and Light
6.The Butterfly Path
7.The Question of You
8.Feeding Cats, Starving Hearts
9.The Spiritual Kitchen
10.The River and the Ocean
11.Seven Streams of One River
12.The Heart’s Way
13.That Which Cannot Be Named
14.The Sacred Meal
15.The Train Station Meditation
16.Even the Gods Bow
17.The Christ
18.Theosis and Yoga
19.The Great Unravelling
20.When Governments Fear Their People
21.Breaking Free from Cultural Conditioning
22.From Clay to Cloud
23.History of The Way
24.The True Nature of Amrita
25.Reality’s Many Eyes
26.Does the Moon Exist When No One Looks?
27.The Dance of Energies
28.The Question of You
29.The Most Humble Man
30.Beyond Existence
31.Does the Universe Exist?
32.Beyond the Guru Effect
33.True Humility Before the Divine
34.Beyond Temptation
35.On Sacred and Profane Views
36.That Which Cannot Be Named
37.The Ease of Dying, The Art of Living
38.The Dance of Coming and Going
39.On Love’s Many Forms
40.The Way of Simplicity
41.Dancing with Your Own Shadow
42.The Eternal Way
43.The Beauty of Being Real
44.Finding Home in the Heart
45.The Speed of Wisdom
46.Layers of Understanding
47.The Hidden Flow of Wisdom
48.Marks of the Heart
49.The Limits of Understanding
50.Living Spirituality
51.To Make the World a Better Place
52.A Final Word of Hope
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